Winter Medicine

Food can be medicine! When we take in foods that cleanse and nourish the body, we just FEEL BETTER.

Consider: when was the last time your body felt really great after a meal? what did you eat? who were you with? how did you feel mentally/emotionally when eating? what was your environment like? All of these factors can influence our sense of VITALITY and well-being.

Simple foods like ghee and chyawanprash (what did you say? ) can be quite supportive for immunity and digestion thru the Winter months.

In addition, how our day is going, who we surround yourself with, and our environment influence our body/mind.

Well-being doesn’t have to be complicated… According to Yoga & Ayurveda (and your intuition), your body and mind WANT to be well … Isn’t that exciting? Your mind and mind are constantly seeking harmony and balance!

Sometimes we just need a reminder in a world that’s pretty noisy, drowning out our intuition.


Dreams of a Winter Nest


Inspo from Cardinal