Happy Imbolc!

Happy February! I so look forward to first sight of the snowdrops starting to come up along Redstone Creek on the Sheepskin Trail. I always look for them in the creek bed opposite the golf course pond. It’s hard to believe that these delicate-looking flowers pop up in the snow! And I’m so grateful they do — gives me hope that Spring is on the way.

While we might have more Winter to experience, the daylight hours ARE getting longer (yay!) and today, February 1st, is Imbolc - the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. If you don’t already celebrate that day, you can explore the many traditional celebrations of Imbolc and St. Brigid’s Day — a traditional Irish holiday.

Your yoga practice can be inspired by the spirit of this holiday — Imbolc is a sort of “threshold” between Winter and Spring, you might reflect upon what you’re moving toward this month, what new beginnings you’re looking forward to.

  • If you’re looking forward to physical challenge this Spring/Summer, you might begin to incorporate more vigorous postures into your practice.

  • If your next big project requires mental clarity and focus, you might prioritize a meditation practice.

  • Alternatively, if you’ve got you might prioritize rest and rejuvenation through a systematic relaxation practice or restorative yoga.

Yoga at its foundation is seasonally-influenced. Our practice is MEANT to change with the seasons — Nature, life stages, monthly cycles, even times of day. These cycles provide concrete guidance and inspiration for our physical practice, as well as our meditative and lifestyle practices. Explore how you might vary your practice today — a new beginning!


My Latest Attempt at Un-Enmeshment